Entrepreneur Mom to Twin Girls Celebrates `Work at Home Moms Month` by Offering Tips on How to Stay Sane
Released on = April 25, 2007, 5:38 pm
Press Release Author = Shannon Cherry/Be Heard Solutions
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Shannon Cherry offers up personal experience and advice to fellow working mothers
Press Release Body = Entrepreneur/ Mom to Twin Girls Celebrates "Work at Home Moms Month" by Offering Tips on How to Stay Sane
ALBANY, NY (May 10, 2006) - May is "Work at Home Moms Month," designated to applaud the powerful women leading double lives with the dual identities of motherhood and business professional. Local Mom and Public Relations Professional Shannon Cherry, APR, MA, takes a breather to join in the festivities.
"Being a mother and an entrepreneur is tough, especially when you have three-month-old twin girls in addition to a demanding business," says Cherry, owner of Be Heard Solutions (www.beheardsolutions.com), a public relations company. "As difficult as it can get, it's also absolutely wonderful. The key to survival is simply to try not to go insane, and during Work at Home Moms Month, I want to share some of what I've learned so far about being a parent who works from home."
Cherry shares many of her ideas on www.mommy-inc.com, the only blog that focuses on the life of an entrepreneur mom raising twins. She talks about experiences, thoughts and interesting details she finds with others who may be interested in this type of journey. Here are some of the helpful hints she shares on how to work and be a mother without going too crazy:
1. Make a plan BEFORE you have the baby. "That may mean getting extra help as you transition," she says. "I used a virtual assistant to keep me on track and got extra help with by using a college intern." 2. Develop a schedule for the baby right from the start. "Babies need a schedule; it helps them and you to know what to expect and when to expect it," says Cherry. "Once you have a set schedule for them, you can schedule your work around it." 3. Keep a list of what you need to do. "Late night and pre-dawn feedings can take its toll, making you get the infamous 'mommy brain," she explains. "Keep a notebook with you and whenever you remember something you need to get done, write it down and refer back to it when you get a chance." 4. Get the day started right after the 4 A.M. feeding. Cherry suggests that getting work done before the house wakes is an efficient way to use those times when you can't get back to sleep. 5. Go to bed early, tape your favorite show that you are missing and watch it during lunch when you can use the pick-me-up. "It's important to give mommy some time too," she says.
Cherry knows what it's like to have to give 100% to your family in addition to 100% to your business. At www.mommy-inc.com, women can read about her mistakes and try to avoid them, or learn of her success and try to take that same path.
Based in the Capital Region of NY, Be Heard Solutions is a strategic communications firm that works with small businesses and nonprofits all over the country to develop results-oriented marketing and public relations programs. For more information, contact Shannon Cherry at 518-248-6592 or email: Shannon@BeHeardSolutions.com.
Web Site = http://beheardsolutions.com
Contact Details = Shannon Cherry shannon@beheardsolutions.com 518-248-6592
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